At Riverside, a safety-first focus paramount for our employees, the public and the environment.


Riverside Contracting Inc. has adopted a post accident drug testing policy. If you are injured in a work related accident and test positive for illegal/illicit drugs, you could be denied your Worker’s Compensation benefits.


  1. Company Statement
    • Introduction
  1. Responsibilities
    • Management
    • Employee
  1. General and Miscellaneous Safety Requirements
    • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    • Fall Protection
    • Manual Lifting
  1. Equipment Operation Safety
    • Off Road Equipment
    • Trucks And Trailers
    • Asphalt Plants, Crusher, Pugmills & CTB Plants
    • Crane Operation Safety
    • Rigging/Slinging & Hooking   
  1. Lock-out/Tag-out Procedure        
  2. Confined Spaces
  3. Mechanic Safety
  4. Excavation And Trenching Safety
    • Ladder Safety
  1. Concrete Safety
  2. Hazardous Communications
    • Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS)
  1. Rough Terrain Forklift Safety
  2. Safety Equipment
    • First Aid
    • Fire Extinguisher
  1. Hearing Conservation Program – Summary
  2. Training Requirements
  3. Accident Reporting
  4. Employee Safety/Incentive Bonus Program
  5. Conclusion

1. Company Statement

Company Statement

“Don’t take chances – Safety First.”  What does that mean and why do we talk about safety?  We promote safety and health practices for a number of reasons; legal, environmental, financial and ethical.  We would like to talk about each so our position is clear.

Legal:   There are federal and state agencies such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and Department of Transportation (DOT),which are responsible for enforcing safe operating procedures in the work place. They have a legal mandate to monitor job site safety and health.

 We as employers have the duty to provide all our employees with a safe workplace. Employees in return have an obligation to follow the Company’s safety rules. Working together, the agencies, the Company and the employees can work towards providing a safe work environment and also work towards a “Zero Injury” goal.

Environmental:   As a contractor in the heavy/highway industry our work often has potential impacts on the environment. We work closely with our clients to identify the potential problems and plan ways to avoid damage to sensitive ecosystems. Noise monitoring, hazardous waste disposal, water quality; all are issues with which we now contend with.

Each employee has a part to play in protecting our natural resources.  Safe operating procedures help us reach this goal.  We work with such government agencies as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or state bureaus, to do our part to protect our natural resources. We expect no less from each employee.

Financial:  We work in a competitive industry. Every time we get work it is because we were able to beat our competition in the bid process. Every time we suffer an accident it effects our ability to get more work in the future.

Lost productivity due to injuries affects the bottom line. Each accident impacts our insurance costs; both Workers Compensation insurance and liability insurance. These increases show up in future bids, therefore making us less competitive.

Ethical:  Perhaps the most important reason behind our emphasis on safety is that it is the right thing to do. We all have a responsibility to protect ourselves and our fellow workers. We are all in this together.

Getting the job done is important. But getting it done safely is more important. By working safely we protect our people and equipment, we comply with the law, preserve our natural resources, and we still remain competitive.

We expect every employee to take part in our Safety Program. We expect everyone to work safely and efficiently and to help others to do the same. If you have any questions, bring them up with your supervisor or contact the company safety manager. We all want the same thing – the opportunity to be working here tomorrow. 

Riverside Contracting Management


This handbook covers the general safety rules for all employees of Riverside Contracting, Inc. The intent of this manual is to prevent workplace accidents and injuries, and to broaden safety awareness in the workplace. These rules represent the minimum safety requirements adopted by Riverside Contracting Inc. Not every requirement of safe operation can be addressed in detail. It is the responsibility of the employee to become familiar with the hazards of the immediate work environment, to work in a safe manner using protection provided by the company, and to report and correct unsafe conditions or acts. All employees are required to comply with these rules as a condition of their employment. These rules will be reviewed and revised yearly, therefore, if you have any suggestions for changes or additional safety rules please contact the company Safety Manager, Kevin Mackaman.  Any suggestions for protecting ourselves and our future will be taken seriously.

Section 2 Responsibility

Management Responsibility 

  • Management, including field supervisory personnel, is responsible for promoting and enforcing Occupational Safety and Health policies in all phases of operations and providing a safe work environment for all employees.

Employee Responsibility

  • All employees are responsible for complying with the minimum safety requirements of the Riverside Contracting Inc. Employee Safety Manual.
  • All employees are required to report any hazardous or unsafe conditions observed to their Supervisor.

Section 3 General and Miscellaneous Safety Requirements

 Think before you act, never rush into an unfamiliar situation.

  • Never do anything you have not been properly trained to do. If you are unsure ask one of your co-workers or supervisor for assistance.
  • All employees are required to wear a seat belt when operating or riding in a company vehicle. Employees are required to wear a seat belt when operating a piece of equipment with Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS). If the seat belt is broken or missing notify your supervisor so it can be repaired or replaced.
  • Spotter/dump person are required at a worksite when there is a hazard created while backing up or the operator does not have a clear view behind the vehicle.
  • No one is allowed between the paver and the trucks or the chip spreader and the trucks, except the dump/signal person. This also includes all state personnel. The dump/signal person is solely responsible for ensuring that the path behind the truck is clear and he/she is the only person who should be motioning for the trucks to backup.   The driver will wait until the spotter/dump person signals them before backing up.   If the driver loses sight of the signal person, they are to stop immediately.
  • The dump/signal person shall wear a different colored vest to separate them from the rest of the employees on the ground.  The vest is to be pink in color. 
  • The only person allowed signaling a truck to back up and back the truck into position is the signal/dump person.   That person must be wearing the pink class II vest when performing this task.  If for any reason that person leaves the area and another employee is designated as the signal/dump person, the new signal/dump person will don the appropriate colored vest prior to signaling any truck to back up.  Truck drivers shall not back up under any circumstances unless the person signaling is wearing the appropriate colored vest.
  • Spotter/dump person will use clear defined hand signals when motioning a truck to back up, stop or pull ahead. 

Hand signals


One hand raised straight above the head and moved in a back and forth motion with the hands in an open position.


Both hands raised above the head with both hand closed into the form of a fist.  The exception to this is, if the signal/dump person is in the process of dumping the truck and has one hand on the gate dump valve; one arm in the air with a closed fist is acceptable as long as it is a very defined signal. 

Move ahead:

One arm extended out from the body to the side, moving entire arm in a circular motion.

  • No employee shall report to the construction site under the influence of alcohol or illicit/illegal drugs. Intoxicating beverages and narcotics are not permitted and shall not be used on any construction site. Any employee determined to be under the influence will be removed from the project and will be subject to disciplinary actions up to termination.
  • No music radios using headsets are allowed on the project.
  • No horse play or practical jokes while working. The work place has enough potential risks without adding more uncertainty to it.
  • All company vehicles and equipment must be kept clean of debris. Remove all garbage from the vehicle at the end of every shift. Cans and bottles rolling around in the cab are unsafe and could cause an accident.
  • Littering is not permitted on any job site.  There are dumpsters on every construction site please use them to dispose of garbage.
  • Only properly trained and certified persons are allowed to operate a Nuclear Density Gauge. A copy of this certification shall be on file at Riverside’s office. A Thermo luminescent Dosimeter (TLD) monitoring badge shall be worn whenever the gauge is being used. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed within 15 feet of a density gauge when tests are being performed.
  • Only properly trained personnel are allowed to transport a Nuclear Density Gauge.  The person transporting the gauge must have Hazmat and DOT training.  Proper shipping papers must accompany the gauge during transportation.  The shipping papers must be within reach of the driver in the cab of the vehicle at all times.
  • Nuclear Density gauges must be chained and locked in place during transportation.
  • No smoking around fueling areas, propane tanks, or other hazardous material areas.
  • Use of personal cell phones during work hours is strictly prohibited on all job sites.  There are certain employees on each jobsite that have permission to use their cell phones for company business.  These people are allowed to use their cell phones for company business only. Refer to the cell phone policy.
  • Negligent or willful abuse of company property may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
  • Employees who violate safety rules and regulations are subject to disciplinary action and/or termination.
  • Report unsafe practices, unsafe conditions and near misses to your supervisor.

Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is designed and provided to help ensure the safety and well being of the employees. Some items and programs are specifically mandated by law. Other items are a part of the overall Company plan for employee safety. Regardless of the source, it will be used in accordance with the safety directives. Hard hats, class II reflective vests, ear plugs, safety glasses, face shields; fall protection harnesses and respirators will be provided by Riverside Contracting when necessary. When issued, the protective equipment becomes the employee’s responsibility to maintain and be readily available for use.  PPE cannot be altered in any way. In the event that the employee loses or destroys their equipment, he/she will be financially responsible for its replacement. The employee will not be allowed to continue working until the PPE has been replaced.

  • All employees are required to wear a hard hat at all times when on a construction project. This will be strictly enforced.
  • Hard hats are not required if you are in a totally enclosed cab (a cab with windows).  Machines with a ROPS without windows require employees to wear hard hats.
  • All employees exposed to traffic, whether on or off the road, are required to wear a class II reflective orange or green vest to provide higher visibility to the traveling public as well as co-workers.  It is a State requirement that it is a minimum of a class II vest.  Those who do not comply will be removed from the project.
  • At a minimum t-shirts and long pants shall be worn.  Shorts, tank tops, tube tops or no shirt at all will not be tolerated on any construction project.  Sleeveless shirts are allowed.  
  • Loose clothing or frayed clothing, excessive long hair, finger rings, etc. shall not be permitted around moving parts or other sources of entanglement.
  • Heavy work boots or steel toed work boots are preferred, however, durable high-top hiking boots will be allowed. All footwear shall be properly laced to ensure complete protection and support. No sandals, cowboy boots, or tennis shoes are allowed on any construction project.
  • All employees shall wear safety glasses, goggles, or face shields when in or around an area where a hazard exists which could injure their eyes (such as unloading oil, lime or cement, grinding, chipping, etc.).
  • Ear protection will be worn when working around hot plants, pavers, rollers, jack hammers etc. or operating equipment with a noise level above the allowable federal level. See section 14 (Hearing Conservation Program – Summary) for details.
  • In the event special safety regulations are to be adopted. Employees on such projects will be informed of and will comply with the additional requirements.

Fall Protection

Fall protection comes in many different forms.  Guardrails, warning lines and personal fall arrest system are just a few.  If the area being worked on does not have a guardrail and cannot feasibly have a guardrail installed, a personal fall arrest system must be used.   It will be the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure the correct fall protection is used for that situation.  It is the responsibility of every employee to wear fall arrest system if working at a height of 6 feet or more were there is no guardrail present.  There are certain situations where a fall arrest system is required when a guardrail is present.          

 Fall protection is required

  • When any employee is inspecting or working at a height of 6 feet or more if there is no guardrail in place to prevent a fall.  The guardrail must be in place around the whole area, there must be no leading edges open.
  • When performing maintenance on silos and drag elevators whether there is a guardrail or not.
  • If an employee is climbing an attached ladder on lime silos, asphalt silos or any tanks that do not have a safety cage in place, fall protection must be used for positioning with 2 lanyards to ensure that you are attached to the ladder at all times.  When 1 lanyard is being repositioned, the other lanyard will remained hooked.
  • If it is raining or snowing causing a slippery condition which could make the work area unsafe or hazardous.  In these weather conditions fall protection must be worn even when a guardrail is in place.
  • If there are strong or gusty winds that could create an unsafe or hazardous condition. In these weather conditions fall protection must be worn even if a guardrail is in place.
  • Cold weather that could slow the reaction time of an employee. In these weather conditions fall protection must be worn even if a guardrail is in place.

Personal Fall Arrest Systems

There are many different types of fall arrest systems and different applications for all the different types.  It is very important that you choose the correct fall arrest system for the particular task you are performing.  Using the wrong type of fall arrest system could result in serious injury or even death.  Knowing what to use for that situation could mean the difference between life and death.


  • Harness
  • Lanyard
  • Retractable lanyard
  • Anchors
  • Positioning devise


A full body harness is required when working at a height of 6 feet or more.  The harness must be adjusted so that it fits snug, but not so tight as to cut off the circulation.  The d-ring on your back needs to be adjusted so it rides in the middle of your back between your shoulder blades.  Make sure all straps are tucked in so they will not get caught on anything. The chest strap should ride across the middle of your chest.  Do not adjust the chest trap too high as it could cause serious damage to your throat or strangulation in the case of a fall.  Body belts are not to be used as fall arrest equipment, they can only be used as a restraint devise only. 


There are many different types of lanyards.  All lanyards must not exceed 6 feet in length.  All lanyards must have double locking snap hooks to prevent disengagement in the case of a fall.   Lanyards with shock absorbers are designed to slow the decent of your fall and minimize the shock impact to approximately 900 lbs of force. This may vary depending on the size of the person.  Lanyards should be hooked to the anchor point as high as possible.  Never hook the lanyard back to itself using it as an anchor point; the lanyard does not meet the anchor point requirements.   Lanyards without shock absorbers are to be used in repositioning only.

Retractable Lanyards

Retractable lanyards are designed to limit your fall to a few feet or less.  Retractable lanyards must be able to sustain a minimum tensile load of 3,000 lbs.  Retractable lanyards are to be used when working at heights of 16 feet or less.  


There are 2 types of anchors, primary and secondary.  Primary anchor points shall have a minimum breaking strength of 5,000 lbs.  No more than 2 people can be attached to the same primary anchor point and it must have a minimum breaking strength of 10,000 lbs.  Secondary anchors are attached to the primary anchors.  A lanyard is then attached to the secondary anchor point.  Only 1 person can be attached to a secondary anchor point.  Secondary anchor points must have a 3,000 pound shock strength.

Positioning Devises Systems   

Positioning devises are to be used when you need both hands free to perform your job or certain task. Positioning devises shall be rigged such that a person will not free fall more than 2 feet.  2 lanyards must be used in a positioning system and 1 lanyard must be hooked at all times.

Any Fall Protection Equipment that has been in a fall must be taken out of service immediately and replaced with new.

All fall protection equipment shall meet OSHA 1926.502 Standards.

Only use Fall Protection Equipment for it’s intended use.

Inspection of Equipment

Fall Protection Equipment must be inspected prior to its use.  Any flaws or tears in the equipment could cause the equipment to fail in a fall and could cause serious injury or death.  If any of the Fall Protection Equipment has any wear marks, any rips or tears, frayed stitching, grommets coming out, any buckles are broke or bent, or the equipment has been in a fall, it must be taken out of service immediately and discarded. 

The following are some areas of the equipment to be inspected.

  • Check all connection.
  • Check all webbing for any rips or tears.
  • Check all stitching for any deterioration.
  • Check all the grommets for any fraying or grommets coming loose.
  • Check for bent or broke buckles.
  • Check the lanyards for any fraying or tears.
  • Check lanyard snaps to make sure they lock properly and the springs are not broken.
  • All carabineers must be locking.
  • Check secondary anchor straps for any rips or tears.
  • Make sure none of the equipment has been in a fall.

Manual Lifting

Injury to the back and abdominal muscles from lifting heavy loads is the most common injuries reported. Such injuries can range from relatively mild strains to major permanently disabling injuries. If the load is heavy or is awkward in size, get another person to help you lift the load. Do not attempt to lift the load by yourself.

  • If the item is awkward or to heavy get someone to help  lift the object.
  • Heavy items should be lifted by using the power of the leg muscles rather than the back, stomach, or arm muscles.
  • Never bend over when lifting.
  • Do not twist while you are lifting. 
  • The back should be kept straight and the arms nearly parallel with the body.
  • Watch for slippery surfaces when you are carrying a heavy or awkward load.
  • Inspect the load for jagged edges, sharp edges or burrs that could cut you.

Section 4 Equipment Operation Safety

Construction sites require a variety of heavy equipment. Pavers, rollers, dozers, front end loaders, scrapers and belly dumps are just some of the heavy equipment which may be present on a job site, as well as, compressor and other miscellaneous smaller items. All of these are potentially dangerous if not operated correctly and/or safely.

Wheel Chocks & Blocking

Wheel Chocks and the blocking of equipment is an essential part of keeping the workplace safe and free of accidents.  Riverside Contracting has adopted a wheel chalk and blocking policy.  When working in an active mine site wheel chalks are required.  The following are the rules and regulations that must be followed. 

Wheel Chocks

  • All tractors, end dumps, water trucks, mechanics trucks and service trucks must be equipped with wheel chocks capable of preventing the vehicle from moving.
  • When a vehicle is parked at the end of the shift wheel chalk must be placed on both sides of a tire on the vehicle to prevent it from moving.
  • When a vehicle is parked for maintenance or repairs wheel chalk must be placed on both sides of a tire on the vehicle to prevent the vehicle from moving.  No maintenance or repairs shall be conducted until the wheel chalks are in place.
  • Fuel trucks shall place wheel chalks on both sides of a tire when the fuel truck is temporary parked while fueling equipment.


  • When performing maintenance or repairs, equipment must be blocked or chalked to prevent movement or falling.
  • All implements must be blocked or cribbed to prevent them from falling.
  • All suspended loads of equipment must be blocked or cribbed.
  • No one is allowed to walk under or work under a suspended load or piece of equipment unless it is blocked or cribbed. 

Off Road Equipment

  • Never operate any piece of equipment that you are not trained or authorized to operate.
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times and where the personnel working on the ground are in proximity to you.
  • Perform a walk around inspection of the equipment before you start your shift to make sure everything is working correctly and nothing is under it or in its path.
  • Seatbelts shall be worn at all times.  Fasten and properly adjust your seatbelt before moving.
  • Always use ladders when climbing on or off the equipment. Always face the equipment when getting off. Never jump off the equipment. Always have 3 points contact at all times.
  • Passengers are not permitted on any piece of equipment that is not equipped with an extra seat and seat belt. The only exception to this rule is when training another person to operate that equipment.
  • The backup/travel alarm shall be checked at the beginning of every shift. Equipment will not be operated without a fully operational backup/travel alarm in place.
  • Look before you back up. Make sure there are no vehicles or personnel behind you. If you can’t see behind you, a signal person should be used.
  • Equipment backing up, swinging loads, buckets, booms and counter-weights pose serious hazards to ground personnel. Eye contact must be made with the operator before approaching moving machinery or equipment.
  • Never allow anyone to stand in the pivot area of an articulated machine while the engine is running.
  • When parking equipment, make sure all implements are lowered to the ground.
  • Report all malfunctions to your supervisor and the mechanic.
  • Keep equipment clean of garbage. Clean all garbage out of the equipment at the end of every shift.  Pack it in, Pack it out.

Trucks & Trailers

Trucks and trailers are a very important part of a road construction project. They are the most visible to the public and under the most scrutiny from State and Federal agencies.  It is very important that operation of these vehicles is conducted in a safe manner to protect the workers and the general public.

  • It is the responsibility of the driver to follow all state and federal laws and regulations while operating a commercial vehicle that is owned by the company.
  • A pre-trip inspection of the truck and trailer is required and shall be performed at the beginning of each shift. You will perform the inspection from a check list provided by the Company, and then you must check the inspection box on your time card. This is a Federal and State law.  Random spot checks will be conducted to ensure that the inspections are being completed. Non compliance will result in a written violation.
  • When moving equipment from job to job, it is the driver’s responsibility to carry and fill out a log book for your hours of service in the truck.  While hauling asphalt or gravel on the project you are not required to maintain a log book unless you are on duty more than 12 consecutive hours.
  • Over the road drivers (lowboy drivers, oil truck drivers and lime truck drivers) must maintain a log book and turn it into the office on a weekly basis.
  • All drivers and passengers are required to wear seat belts. If the seat belt in the vehicle is broken or missing contact your supervisor immediately. 
  • Persons not employed by Riverside Contracting are not allowed to ride in trucks without authorization from the Project Manager.
  • Speeding will not be tolerated. Never exceed the posted speed limit. When on a construction project, speed should be kept below 35 m.p.h. This is the law.  Speeding tickets received in a company vehicle are the employee’s responsibility and points go against the employee according to the driving points schedule set by the company.  This information goes on permanent record at the main office of Riverside Contracting Inc.
  • When it is necessary to make an emergency stop, a driver must put out emergency warning devices (triangles) according to state and federal regulation.
  • All accidents (bodily injury or property damage), must be reported immediately to the office and the safety manager.  Failure to will result in disciplinary action and or termination.
  • If you are not sure if the load you are hauling needs a permit or may fall under special conditions. You must contact the safety & compliance manager (Kevin Mackaman), before you the load is moved.
  • Before the load is moved you must determine the height, width, length and the route you are taking. Low bridges, road closures, and road restrictions must be determined before the load is moved.  This will prevent any unnecessary citation or possible property damage.  If you are not sure of the regulations, contact the safety & compliance manager for help. 
  • Headlights must be on at all times when the truck is in operation. Lights and reflectors are to be clean at all times.
  • All drivers shall clean trucks, trailers, dump boxes and lowboy of loose gravel and debris that could fall off and injure people on the ground or damage vehicles following behind or passing the truck. All lowboy drivers shall clean off all equipment before leaving the loading point.
  • Whenever a blind spot exists while backing up, a dump/signal person will be used to insure that the path behind the truck and trailer is clear.
  • A driver shall not back into the paver until motioned by the dump person.  Failure to follow this procedure will be grounds for disciplinary action and up to termination.
  • When the truck is being loaded keep all body parts inside the cab.
  • All trucks will be kept clean of garbage (pop cans, candy wrappers, food scraps, etc).  Clean the garbage out of your truck at the end of each shift.  Pack it in, Pack it out.
  • Distributor Operators must wear nomex smock, gloves, and a face shield when working with hot oil. All distributor trucks shall be equipped with an asphalt burn kit, contact your Supervisor or Safety Manager if this kit is missing from the truck or needs to be restocked.
  • Do not perform any repair work to the truck without a mechanic present.
  • Hard hats must be worn when outside the truck.

Asphalt Plant, Crushers, CTB Plant and Pugmill Safety

Hot plants, CTB plants and pugmills pose different dangers than other equipment, everything from electrical shock, pinch points, moving parts (belts, pulleys, etc.) and burns are just a few. Being aware of your surroundings at all times is essential.

  • All employees working at the plant sites shall always wear a hard hat, hearing protection and eye protection.
  • No unauthorized persons are allowed in the control shack or around the plant. All authorized visitors must wear the required personal protective equipment, as outlined in Section 4.
  • Lockout /Tagout procedures must be used when working on any area of the plant where a hazard may potentially exist, as outlined in Section 7.
  • No one is allowed to make any changes to electrical equipment without first getting clearance from the Plant Supervisor.
  • All safety guards, chains and belts must be in place while plant is operating.
  • All control shacks shall be equipped with a first aid kit, a burn kit, and an eye wash station. If any of these items are missing or incomplete, the Project Manager or the Safety Manager shall be notified immediately.
  • Riding on moving conveyor belts is strictly forbidden.
  • Never work on a conveyor while it is running.
  • Work platforms over 4 feet high shall have guardrail when practical.
  • No personal vehicles are allowed in the plant area.  Park personal vehicle far enough away so they do not get struck by equipment.
  • It is the responsibility of the Plant Supervisor to enforce all Riverside Contracting Inc. safety rules in and around the plant site. They have the authority to dismiss/remove any employee or visitor who is not complying with the safety rules of this manual.

Plant & Crusher Maintenance/Repairs Procedure

When an asphalt plant crusher or pugmill breaks down or any maintenance is being performed the following procedures must be followed.

  1. Clear the area of any distractions. All non-essential personal must not be allowed in the area where maintenance/repairs are being conducted.  All non-essential personnel shall not be in the control house during this time. (This includes company personnel (truck drivers), material suppliers, salesman, etc.)
  2. Take 3 to 5 minutes to discuss between the people involved with the maintenance/repair as to what is going to happen. What procedures to follow. The possible hazards that exist. The do’s & don’t of the procedure. (This could prevent someone from being hurt).
  3. Only trained essential personnel are to be working on the piece of equipment or in the area. (Everyone wants to help, more people is not better).
  4. Lockout/Tagout must be implemented. 
  • Turn off, unplug Lockout/Tagout any energy sources to the piece of equipment that is being worked on.
  • Reset the computer using “e-stop” or the equivalent function prior to energizing equipment. (This will reset the entire system and clear any commands that have been stored).
  • If there are multiple people working on the equipment, use multiple locks with each person having their own lock & key. (This will ensure that all personnel will be aware of when the equipment is going to be re-energized). When the last lock is removed the equipment can be energized.
  • Only the person(s) that has the key to the lock(s) can re-energize the piece of equipment after the locks are removed.  

5.   A radio must be present where the repairs are being conducted.

  • Radio communication must be established between the person in the control house and the people on the ground.
  • Prior to re-energizing the equipment, “All Clear “via radio transmission must be given.

These procedures must be followed each and every time maintenance or repairs are performed.

Asphalt plants

  • All employees working in proximity with asphalt oil (loading or unloading oil, taking oil samples) are required to wear a Nomex smock, gloves, heavy work boots and full face shield.
  • Employees working with lime or cement must wear gloves and safety goggles.
  • No one is allowed to reverse the asphalt unloading pump without experienced personnel present.This procedure shall only be done in an emergency.
  • No one shall work alone at a plant except when starting the genset to heat oil at a hot plant.
  • Cages around ladders on the asphalt silos, lime silos and cement silos must be in place immediately after being erected.


The Crusher falls under Mine Safety Health Administration (MSHA) regulations.  There are minimum requirements that have to be met as a condition of employment at the crushing operation.

  • All employees are required to wear safety toed boot (MSHA requirements).
  • Safety glasses must be worn when applicable (MSHA requirements).
  • Hard hat must be worn at all times.
  • Hearing protection is required at all times when you are not on a piece of equipment, in the test trailer or in the control house.

Crane Operation Safety

  • To operate a crane or boom truck, you must have a current crane license or being trained by an operator with a current crane license.
  • Know your machine; inspect your machine at the beginning and the end of each shift.
  • Keep all wire rope and cables in good condition. Replace all kinked, damaged, or deteriorating rope or cables. Check the manufactures manual for the proper inspection procedure and installation procedures.
  • Make sure that all the safety equipment is on the machine, such as fire extinguisher, and is in good working order.
  • Be careful where you park your machine. Don’t leave it where there is a chance of a bank caving in or where a heavy rain could wash out the footing.
  • Replace all guards and panels after making any adjustments or repairs to the machine.
  • Always use chocks to block the tires and set the air brake to hold the machine while working with outriggers. Do Not use the hand or parking brake to hold the machine in position while workingThe machine could tip which would allow the machines wheel to turn.
  • Never exceed the rated capacity of the machine as defined by the rating chart posted on the machine.
  • Be sure to include the weight of the block, hook. And all special handling devises when figuring the total weight of the load.  Bear in mind that snow, sleet, ice, and wind can increase the weight or apparent weight of the load.  
  • A hydraulic crane is not like a lattice boom friction crane. Hydraulic crane ratings are bases on the strength of material of the boom and other components and hydraulic pressure limits.  Operators of hydraulic cranes must be guided solely by the rating plate recommendations. Overload conditions will often bend or cause severe damage the machine.  Know the weight of your load.
  • Telescope boom sections out equally when multiple telescope levers are available for those machines that require it.  Load charts for these machines are based on equally extended boom sections.
  • The operator should make sure that all loads are well secured before lifted. Make sure that all slings are not kinked and the load is balanced.  Also make sure the lift block is adequate for the load to be lifted.
  • Make sure the hoist line is vertical before making the lift.
  • Keep the length of the load line (from the tip of the boom) as short as possible to prevent excessive load swinging.  Always use the shortest length of boom which will do the job.
  • The operator will see that all non-operating personnel are warned, and the immediate area cleared when making crane lifts. Never swing any loads over the heads of anyone working in the area or in any way endanger their safety.
  • Whenever working close to thigh voltage power lines could present a serious hazard.  Keep the boom of the crane a minimum of 10 feet away from the power lines.  If the boom gets any closer to the lines, the electricity could arc to the boom and electric shock or fire could result.  Be sure to comply with all state regulations in regards to other precautions.
  • When working near power lines a spotter on the ground will be in place at all times.  There must be radio communication between the operator and the spotter at all times.
  • The operator should pay close attention to the signal man’s signals and warnings. A system of standardized hand signals should be posted in the cab.
  • Provide tag and restraint lines to snub swinging of the load.
  • Never use the machine to lift personnel, riding on the hook is very dangerous.  Do not devise any personnel lifting devices.  These can be very dangerous.  The machine is not intended for personnel lifting.         
  • Never use the crane boom to drag a load sideways.  The boom is not designed or intended for such use. The boom could collapse under side strain.
  • Do not operate in high or gusty wind conditions.  When these conditions are present, park the machine, take the necessary precautions, including lowering and locking the boom.

Rigging and Slinging

  • Use nylon straps, lifting chains or wire rope when lifting a load.  Never use a lowboy tie down chain to lift an object.
  • Slings, rigging, hooks and nylon straps shall be visually inspected before each use. If defects, such as tears, fraying, etc., are observed, that piece of equipment shall be tagged and removed from service.
  • Use nylon straps to the rated lifting capacity stamped on the strap.
  • Make sure slings are safe and the load is properly balanced.
  • No one shall pass under a suspended load.
  • Tag lines will be used on all suspended loads to ensure a safe distance from the load.

Section 5 Lockout/Tagout

When repairs or maintenance are required on equipment or machinery, it must be made safe by utilizing the appropriate lockout/tagout procedures.  Switches, breakers, valves, and piping are some of the areas where energy can accumulate and be stored.  Energy isolation shall be controlled according to the following procedures using locks, tags and other hardware.  This policy is intended as the minimum allowable actions to be taken.      

Procedures for Crushers, Asphalt Plants, CTB & Pug mill Plants

Lockout Devices:

  • When repairing or performing maintenance, the equipment shall be put in shutdown mode.  The shutdown shall be performed by the operator or an authorized person who is knowledgeable of the safe shutdown procedure.
  • The person performing the work shall locate the correct disconnect switch or valve and it must be switched or turned to the “OFF“or “OPEN” position to ensure energy isolation.  There is the possibility that power or energy may be coming from a different direction, check all sources.
  • The switch handle shall be locked in the “OFF” or “OPEN” position, using the employee’s personal lock, which will be provided by the company. The lock and other lockout hardware shall be constructed from durable materials that are intended to withstand the environmental conditions.  All of the lockout hardware shall be standardized in the company for recognition.  It shall be attached to resist easy removal.  The lock must remain in place for the duration of the lockout.  The employee that is attaching the padlock to the devise shall have the only key to the padlock and the must retain the key while work is being performed. No padlock shall have more than one key.
  • After the switch has been locked out, the equipment shall be tested by trying to start it.  Turn the starting mechanism to the start position for a sufficient amount of time to ensure the equipment will not start and the proper disconnect switch has been locked out.  Upon determining the correct switch has been locked out, the switch shall be tagged.  The tag shall have the name of the person doing the repairs, the date the repairs are being performed.   If there is more than one location where the equipment can be started from, each location must be locked out, tagged and tested.
  • When work on piping systems, valves that are under pressure or contain hazardous or hot material must be chain or locked using the correct devise.  In some cases in may be necessary to drain or pump them out.
  • Positive lockout shall be done through physical application using lockout devises or use of tags to isolate and prevent the accumulation of stored energy.  Positive lockouts include but are not limited to the following isolating devices: circuit breakers: disconnect switches: manual operated switches: air cylinders: hydraulic cylinders: piping (valves, water pipes, oil pipes).  Removal of fuses is not recommended and should only be used when there is no other means of positive de-energizing.  Always attach a tag on the fuse box when this procedure is performed.  All tags must be affixed with a nylon tie wire to ensure the tag cannot be accidentally removed.  
  • If more than one person is working on the same piece of equipment, each person shall attach their own lock, lockout hardware and tag to the switch.
  • After the repairs are completed;

All guards must be replaced properly and to the original location.

Make sure all personnel and objects are clear.

All lockout devices and padlock shall be removed by the owner(s) of the devices. No device shall be removed unless it is by the owner(s) of the device.

The switch returned to the “ON” or “CLOSED” position.

The equipment can them be tested by the qualified operator.

  • If the repairs or maintenance are not completed and go beyond the end of the shift, all individuals, leaving the shift shall remove their personal locks and tags.  The individuals resuming work shall attach their own locks and tags immediately.  No work shall be performed until lockout and/or tagout is resumed.
  • At times locks may inadvertently be left on a piece of equipment.  In this instance the employee that was doing the repairs or maintenance must be contacted to determine that the repairs have been completed and is “OK” for lock removal and to use the piece of equipment.  If the employee cannot be reached, the supervisor may remove the lock after it has been verified that the equipment is safe to start and operate.
  • In the case that positive lockout cannot be achieved safely, positive tagout must be implemented.

Tagout Devices:

  •  If a lock cannot be attached, a tag must be used.  The tag must say one of the following; “DO NOT START”, “DO NOT OPEN”, “DO NOT CLOSE”, “DO NOT OPERATE”.  The tag must be signed and dated for the time the maintenance or repairs are being performed. 
  • The tag shall be attached with a nylon zip tie and attached in a way it will not be removed accidently.
  • Tags shall be made of material that will withstand the elements, such as, rain, snow, etc.
  • A Tag shall only be removed by its owner. 
  • If the repairs are not completed in that shift, the tag shall be removeby it s owner and replaced with a new tag and signed by its owner.
  • Tags must be removed and replaced at the same time.

Procedures for Heavy Equipment, Trucks & Trailers

  • Remove the key from the ignition and keep it in your possession while all work is being performed.
  • If the machine has a key and a start switch /button, the machine must be tested by trying to start it with the key out to ensure the machine cannot be energized.
  • Buckets, blades, rippers, or any other ground engaging tool shall be place on the ground before repairs or maintenance is conducted.
  • Lockout the main power source if it is possible.  If it is not possible to lock out the main power source, attach a tag where it is visible to everyone.
  • If a lock cannot be attached, a tag must be used.  The tag must say one of the following; “DO NOT START”, “DO NOT OPEN”, “DO NOT CLOSE”, “DO NOT OPERATE”.
  • The tag shall be attached with a nylon zip tie and must be signed and dated by the employee attaching the tag.
  • When working on belly dump trailers additional tags must be placed on the gate controls to ensure the gates do not get opened or closed accidentally.


Training shall be provided and documented to ensure that each employee understands the functions and purpose of the energy control procedures and have received the knowledge and skills required for safe application, usage and removal of energy controls.  Training requirements for this procedure will include:

  • Each authorized employee shall receive training to spot and recognize hazardous energy sources, the types and magnitude of energy sources in the workplace, and the procedures necessary for isolating energy sources.
  • Each employee that is working in the vicinity or is effected in any way by the lockout or tagout in process, but does not lockout or tagout the equipment, shall be instructed in the purpose of the energy control procedures.
  • All employees that are working in the area where the energy control may be utilized shall be instructed about the procedure.  The prohibition related to attempts to restart or re-energize machines or equipment which are locked out or tagged out.
  • When tagout systems are used, employees will be trained to understand that the tagout system has limitations and does not provide a physical restraint of the energy being controlled that a lockout system provides.
  • Employees will be informed that tags that are used as a means of isolating energy must be legible to all affected employees in the energy controlled area.  Tags shall be securely attached with material that withstands the environmental conditions.  Tags should be attached in such a fashion that they cannot be inadvertently or accidentally be removed. Tags must never be removed without authorization from the person who is responsible for the tag.
  • The training shall include the understanding that tags should never be bypassed, ignored or overlooked. Tags are a warning devise and should never evoke a false sense of security.
  • Employee shall receive retraining when new hazards have been identified, when the employee has been given a new job assignment, a new machine has been introduced to the workplace, or a piece of equipment has been altered that may create a new set of energy hazards.  If the current energy control procedures are changed, the employees with be informed on what changes have been made to the policy.
  • If any hazards have been revealed during periodic inspections, the employee will be informed of the hazards existing, or if it is felt that any employee does not have full knowledge or use or the energy control procedures.
  • Certification of training including employees that were trained and the dates of the training will be maintained by the company.


  • The employer shall conduct periodic inspections of the energy control procedures annually at a minimum.
  • The inspections shall be performed by an authorized employee, other than the person that is utilizing the energy control procedures.
  • The inspection shall include a physical inspection of the equipment and a review between the inspector and the authorized employee regarding each person’s responsibilities under the procedure to ensure the energy control procedures are being followed.  This shall apply to both lockout and tagout procedures.
  • Certification of periodic inspections shall be maintained by the company.  It shall include the equipment description, the date of the inspection, the employees included in the inspection, and the inspector.

Failure to use and follow proper lockout and tagout procedures may result in disciplinary actions up to and including termination.

Section 6 Confined Spaces

Confined spaces have many physical hazards that exist and are potentially lethal due to the limited fresh air supply and the possible hazardous fumes trapped inside.  Know the hazards and safety procedures before you enter.

  • Never enter a confined space without another person present.
  • Lockout/ Tagout procedures must be completed before any entry. (See Lockout/Tagout Policy, Section 5).
  • Before entering a confined space, the air in the confined space must be checked with an air monitor to ensure area is safe to work in. 
  • The air must be continually monitored while work is being performed.
  • Documentation of the entry must be kept while performing work in a confined space.  This must include, persons entering the space, times entered, times exited, air monitor readings, etc.  Confined space forms are available from the company safety manager.
  • A person must be designated as an observer/monitor and positioned outside the point of entry of the confined space.  This person is observer/monitor only.   Their function is to maintain communication with the employees in the confined space and to implement an action plan in the case of an emergency. Under no circumstance will the observer/monitor enter the confined area or leave the area unless it is to seek help should an emergency situation arise.
  • Prior to entry into the confined space all employees shall be briefed on the confined space and a plan must be prepared which provides a means of rescue from the confined space in case of an emergency.

Prior to entering any confined space, all emergency equipment shall be in place.

Section 7 Mechanic Safety

Recognizing that mechanics are more susceptible to injury by the nature of their work, the following guidelines have been established. It is very important that mechanics are aware of these procedures to help protect them from injury.

  • Check your tools before use. If they are not operating correctly, you should adjust, repair, or replace them as needed to make them as safe as possible.
  • Wear safety glasses or goggles when you are in a position that would allow dirt to fall in your eyes or when you are grinding or chipping away material.                                                       
  • Block all elevated items you may be working on that could fall and injure you or your helper. For example, when changing cutting edges on dozers or scrapers, block the apron so it can’t come down. Do not assume that the hydraulics will hold anything in the position you put it in.
  • Tag out the equipment you are working on. Put the “do not start” tag on the control area where it is easily seen and remove the keys. This will help protect you from unexpected starting or movement by another person.
  • When working on equipment replace all guards and covers when done. This includes stationary and mobile equipment.
  • When working on a project that someone else has started, do not assume the other person has completed any part of it. Check for yourself.
  • Do not use an air hose to blow dirt off yourself. It is possible to get an air bubble in your circulatory system which can result in injury or death.
  • Clean up after yourself. Leaving welding iron and small parts lying around creates tripping hazards and can lead to flat tires or punctured feet.
  • Shut off all oxygen and acetylene bottles when not in use.
  • Oxygen and acetylene bottle shall be 20 feet apart when stored and not in use.  If they cannot be stored 20 feet apart, a 5 foot high barrier that is fire resistant for 30 minutes must be between them.
  • Recharge fire extinguishers when they have been used once. It may not be empty but it may not work when you need it the second time.
  • Never use oil or allow oil to come in contact with oxygen regulators – oil and oxygen can explode.
  • Never weld or use a cutting torch around fueling areas or dry grass.
  • Always protect your eyes with a welding mask when welding.
  • Remove all regulators and replace all caps before transporting oxygen and acetylene bottles.
  • Never transport acetylene bottles in a lying down position.  The gas can become unstable and an explosion may result.

Section 8 Excavation and Trenching Safety

There are many different types of trenching and excavations performed. All trenching and excavation activity must follow 29 CFR Part 1926 standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

  • A competent person shall be required at the site at all times.
  • The competent person shall conduct inspection of the trench or excavation daily, prior to work being performed.  Inspections shall be conducted if any changes in weather conditions that could possibly make the work site unstable. 
  • Hard hats and other personal protective equipment must be worn at all times. 
  • Employees exposed to vehicular traffic shall wear reflective orange/ green vests or equivalent clothing.
  • It is defined as a trench when the depth exceeds the width. Excavations more than 15 feet wide at the bottom are not trenches despite the depth. Trenches more than 5 feet in depth must either be shored, supported or the excess height laid back (sloped). For more detailed information on excavation and trenching, please refer to OSHA Standards 1926.650 Subpart P.
  • Before digging a trench or an excavation opening, check with local utilities e.g., sewer lines, telephone lines, water lines, fuel lines, and electric lines.
  • All trenches more than 5 feet deep have to conform to OSHA regulations for sloping/shoring depending on the soil type A, B, or C (see OSHA Standards 1926.650 Subpart P).
  • Access/egress to or from a trench (ladders, ramps, and stairways) is to be provided every 25 feet along the trench. All extension ladders shall extend 36 inches above the trench.
  • In excavations which employees may be required to enter, the spoil piles shall be placed at least 2 feet or more away from the edge of the trench.
  • No employee will be permitted under loads handled by shovels, buckets, or hoists.
  • Where employees or equipment are allowed to cross over excavations, all walkways and/or bridges will have guardrails.  Guardrails will be built in compliance with 29 CFR 1926 Standards.
  • All excavating or trenching activities will be in compliance with OSHA Standards.

Ladder Safety

  • All ladders that are used on the jobsite or plant site shall meet the ladder requirements of the 29 CFR 1926 Standards.
  • All ladders that are used on the jobsite or plant site shall be used in compliance with 29 CFR 1926 Standards.
  • Ladders that are broken, weak, or with missing rungs shall not be used.  If the ladder cannot be repaired it will be removed from the job site immediately.
  • Sections of ladders will not be lashed or tied together to increase overall length.
  • Planks shall not be used on the top of stepladders.
  • Never stand on the top step of a step ladder.
  • Stepladders are not to be used in place of an extension ladders.
  • Extension ladders shall extend 3 feet above the object it is leaned on.
  • Extension ladders shall be tied off.

Section 9 Concrete Safety

Concrete poses both safety and health hazards that will be addressed in this section. Some additional personal protective equipment will be necessary.

  • Safety glasses will be worn at all times when working with concrete.
  • All employees engaged in chipping concrete shall wear either screened safety glasses or a face shield with safety glasses.
  • When working with concrete, the exposed parts of the body should be kept from contact with the concrete. In manual vibrating or otherwise handling poured raw concrete, high rubber boots should be worn.
  • Cleanliness is very important. Hands, wrists, legs, ankles, etc. should be thoroughly washed and dried and should be rubbed with Folie or Lanolin ointment following washing. This will avoid irritating the skin and possible rash.
  • When working with the Bidwell, keep hand clear of pinch points when the leveler is in motion. 

Section 10 Hazardous Communication Program Employee Right -To-Know


  • To communicate the Hazardous Communication Program to all the company employees. Providing information about the chemicals being used and information available for all employees to protect themselves against hazardous chemical exposure.


  • To comply with Title 29, Part 1910.1200, Subpart Z of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)* OSHA Hazard Communication*.  To communicate the Hazardous Communication Program Z@Right- To Know@ to all Riverside Contracting Inc employees. 
  • To ensure that all departments and location sites within the Company, are in compliance with the federal laws relating to Hazardous Communication and Employee Right-To-Know. 
  • To ensure that all employees who may be exposed to hazardous substances or potentially harmful substances are informed, receive training, understand applicable laws, federal standards, and all the resources available to them.  It is a commitment of the Company to ensure the safety of all employees in the workplace.


  • State and federal standards have established guidelines for manufactures, suppliers and distributors to provide employers and their employee’s information for a broad range of chemicals that could cause health or physical hazards.  These standards address the health hazards and the necessary steps to be taken to ensure a safe workplace for all employees. 
  • The company has established a chemical program to provide employees with the information necessary to ensure their protection and well-being when exposed to hazardous chemicals. This program requires the understanding and cooperation of all employees to ensure a safe workplace.
  • The resources available for information about hazardous chemicals include;  Safety Data Sheets (SDS), a list of all chemicals present in the workplace, container labels, placards, training and education, and the current Hazardous Communication Program.  The information is available at all times to any employee that is employed by Riverside Contracting Inc.  For any questions or concerns about any chemical agents, you can ask your immediate supervisor or contact the Safety manager.
  • The Written Hazardous Communications Program describes how to implement the applicable standards, utilizing SDS, labeling, employee training, non-routine hazards, methods used to inform non-employee’s (contractors) of the chemical hazards they may encounter while working on a company site.
  • This program details what information is available, where it is located, how the employees will be informed of hazards, and how the employees will be informed of new information.


The Written Hazardous Communication Program contains the following components.

  • A list of known hazardous chemicals and substances found in the workplace.
  • Name and responsibilities of the Program Coordinator.
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) use and locations.
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) updating.
  • Labeling program.
  • Information and document access.
  • Employee training and education.
  • Hazard training for non-routine tasks.
  • Hazard warning and information program for sub contractors.

All of the components of the program shall be explained in further detail in the pages to follow.


  • The Company’s Hazardous Chemical List of known substances is attached at the end of the Written Hazardous Chemical Program.


  • The Company Coordinator of the Hazardous Communication Program is Kevin Mackaman, who can be reached at (406)721-9267 during regular business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • It is the responsibility of the Company’s Program Coordinator to implement the Hazardous communication Program.  The responsibility of the Plan Coordinator include;

Develop, maintain, and update the Hazardous Chemical List of the known substances in the workplace.

Evaluate any newly introduced chemicals to the workplace.

Oversee the Company labeling program.

Implement and oversee the education and training.

Maintain  Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and update as needed.

Make information available to all employees pertaining to OSHA standards, state and federal laws.


  • Material Safety Data Sheets will be obtained from manufactures and suppliers for all substances and chemicals found in the workplace that could expose or potentially expose an employee to health or physical hazards.  The original copies of the SDS will be kept in the main office. Photo copies of the SDS will be kept at the asphalt plant, Crusher, CTB plant and Pug mill control houses on each job site.  Copies of SDS will be available for employee review.
  • If there is a questionable item, the immediate project supervisor will contact the Program Coordinator concerning SDS information on the questionable product.


  • SDSs will be updated as new SDSs are received by the manufacturers and distributors.  New SDS will be added to the master file and to the copies in the field.  This new information will be available to all employees.


  • All containers received, that contain a hazardous substance, will be labeled tagged or marked in compliance with all state and federal laws and OSHA standards.  Labels on container received, will not be removed or defaced.  All labels placed on container will have information consistent with the applicable SDS.


  • All employees that are exposed to hazardous chemicals will be informed and have access to all information concerning hazardous substances and harmful agents in the workplace.  OSHA standards will be available to all employees.  SDSs will be available for review at all times.


  • Training and education will be provided to employees that are exposed to hazardous chemicals and any agents that could pose a risk in the workplace.  The employee will be informed upon initial employment, annually, when transferred or duties have changed, and when any new health or physical substances have been introduced to the work area.

Employees will be informed of the following:

  • Requirements of the Hazardous Communication Program, state and federal laws, and OSHA standards.
  • Operations in the work areas where hazardous chemicals are present.
  • All work area where hazardous chemicals are present.
  • Location of the written Communication Program, SDS, and the list of hazardous chemicals.

Employee training will include:

  • Methods and observations that the employee may use to detect the presence or accidental release or spill of chemical products in the work area.
  • Measures that employees can take to protect themselves from potential hazards, which will include, work practices, personal protective equipment and emergency procedures.
  • Interpreting information on SDS and the labeling system.
  • Contractors, vendors and service personnel who have employees assigned to work at job sites where potential exposure to chemical products exist, will be informed of chemical hazards, availability of SDS and appropriate protective measures.


  • Employees performing out of the ordinary day to day tasks will receive specific training in all the hazards associated with those tasks.


  • Sub Contractors that have employees working at a job site where hazardous chemicals are present, will be informed of the hazards in that work area and will be informed where SDS are located.



Depending on the chemical and the elements of hazardous conditions it possesses will determine the rating it is given in the 4 areas.  Only one number or name can be put in a box.

General Requirements

Hazardous Communications

  • Always wear protective equipment (gloves, eye protection, boots, etc.) when working with any hazardous materials.
  • Be aware of the hazards the material you are working with could cause.  Mixing two substances together could result in serious injury or death.  Read the label when using any hazardous material.
  • If you are uncertain of the correct procedure to take when using hazardous materials ask your supervisor for help or contact the Safety Manager for further information.
  • Never handle any hazardous materials you are not trained to handle.

Safety Data Sheets


  • The Safety Data Sheets (SDS) will be available to all employees. They will be located in an area accessible to employees during each shift. All SDS’s will be in an identified binder. Refer to Hazardous Communications Right to Know, Section 10 of this manual.
  • For additional information on SDS’s contact the Safety Manager.

Section 11 Rough Terrain Forklift Guidelines

Forklift Man basket Guidelines

Prior to anyone operating a forklift of any kind the operator must be trained and have a forklift certificate. 

Design requirements for the manufacture of the man basket shall include the following:

The Man basket must have a slip resistant surface.

  • The floor dimensions cannot be greater than the width of the lift measured across the load bearing tires plus 10 inches on either side.
  • A 4-in. toe board must be in place.

 Safe operating procedures when elevating personnel:

  • Be sure the Man basket is securely attached to the lifting carriage forforks.  (i.e. chains or pins).
  • Be certain that the lifting carriage and forks are secured to prevent them from pivoting upward.
  • Provide protection for personnel in the Man basket from moving parts of the forklift that represent a hazard.
  • Provide overhead protection as indicated to be necessary by the     operating conditions.
  • Be certain that the lifting mechanism is operating smothery through its entire lift height.
  • Be certain that the mast is vertical-do not operate on a side slope.
  • Be certain that the platform is horizontal and never tilt platform forward or rearward when elevated.
  • Be certain that the rough terrain forklift has a firm and level footing.
  • Be certain that railing on all 4 sides and harnesses with lanyards are in place and used.
  • Place forklift in neutral and set parking brake.
  • Before elevating personnel, area should be marked with cones or other devices to warn of work by elevated personnel.
  • Lift and lower smoothly and with caution.
  • Watch for overhead obstructions and electrical wires.
  • Keep hands and feet clear of controls other than those in use.
  • Move rough forklift only for minor adjustments in positioning when      personnel are on the platform.
  • Alert personnel on the platform before moving the forklift.  Then move it smoothly and with caution.
  • A trained operator shall be in position to control the forklift or available to operate controls.  When the operator is not in the    operating position, the forklift wheels should be blocked; the emergency brake set and the operator must be within 25 ft. and visibly see the forklift.
  • The combined mass of the platform, load, and personnel shall not       exceed one-fourth of the capacity of the forklift.
  • Prohibit modifications to the platform that is detrimental to its safe use.
  • Personnel are to maintain firm footing on platform floor.  Use of railing, planks, ladders, etc., on the platform for purpose of   achieving additional reach or height is prohibited.
  • Platform shall be lowered to floor level for personnel to enter and exit.  Personnel shall not climb on any part of the forklift in attempting to enter or exit.
  • Any harness, lanyard or deceleration device, which has sustained      permanent deformation shall be replace.

Section 12 Safety Equipment First Aid


  • First aid kits in Asphalt plants, Crushers, CTB plants, Pugmills and pickups shall be checked periodically and restocked if necessary.
  • Lime trucks shall have a bottle of eye wash and all plants shall have eye wash stations.
  • All Supervisors and selected personnel on all job sites are trained to give first aid.
  • First-aid equipment and supplies are located in convenient places throughout the job site. All plants and supervisors pickups are equipped with first-aid kits.

Fire Extinguishers

  • All fire extinguishers shall have annual inspections except fire extinguishers at the crushing plant. Fire extinguishers at the crusher shall be inspected monthly.
  • Inspect fire extinguishers to ensure that they are sure fully charged.
  • If the fire extinguisher has been used once, replace it with another fire extinguisher, as it may not work the second time.
  • All asphalt plants and distributor trucks shall be equipped with a burn kit.
  • All vehicles, on road and off road shall be equipped with a fire extinguisher. 
  • All truck/tractors shall have a set of reflective triangles in the cab. 
  • If any of the safety equipment stated above is damaged, missing or inadequate contact your Supervisor or Safety Manager immediately.

Section 13 Hearing Conservation Program - Summary

In an effort to reduce any unnecessary exposure to excessive noise levels, Riverside Contracting has adopted a Hearing Conservation Program. 

The information that follows is a brief summary of this program; a more detailed program can be obtained from your Supervisor or Safety Manager.

  • Hearing protection is available at no cost to all employees.
  • All employees are encouraged to wear hearing protection.
  • Employees are not required to wear hearing protection unless they are working in a position where the noise levels may exceed the minimum OSHA Standard of 85 dBA in an 8 hour Time Weighted Average (TWA).  
  • Riverside shall implement a monitoring program to determine those employees who are receiving excessive exposure and provide protection and training for those individuals.
  • Riverside will provide audiometric testing for any employee working in an environment that is at or above the action level. A Baseline Audiogram shall be established within 6 months of an employee’s first exposure and follow up exams will be done annually.
  • Riverside Contracting requires hearing protection (ear plugs or muffs) for the following positions:

          Roller Operators (asphalt or other)

          Paver & Screed Operators

          All Asphalt Plant & CTB/Pug mill employees

          Jackhammer, Wacker or Chain Saw Operator

  • In addition, it is recommended that all employees not listed above should use hearing protection when appropriate.

Section 14 Training Requirements

The company will be conducting periodic safety training throughout the year. Training is mandatory and a condition of employment. Training may be conducted on a jobsite or it may be conducted off-site at a specified meeting place.  All employees will be required to attend and will be paid at a rate of $15.00 per hour plus benefits.

Section 15 Emergency Procedures & Accident Reporting Proceduree

Emergency Procedures


Accidents happen when we least expect them to occur. Having a good emergency plan is an important part of every operation.  It is equally important to ensure the emergency plan work as designed.  It could mean the difference between life and death. 

Advanced Preparation

  • Determine where the nearest hospital is in proximity to your project.
  • Determine the distance from the project to the hospital.
  • Post the directions to the nearest hospital.
  • Identify the personnel on the project who are trained in First Aid and CPR.
  • Designate the role each First Aider will play if there is an emergency.
    • Person calling 911
    • Person(s) who will be administering First Aid/CPR
    • Who will control the area around accident scene.
    • Any other people who may play a role.
  • Post and inform everyone who the First Aiders are.
  • Ensure that first aid kits and the necessary supplies (blankets, stretcher, etc.) are available.
  • Talk about the plan and conduct a mock drill of the plan.

Emergency Protocol

  • One person takes charge and is in control of the scene.
  • The person in charge must determine if the situation is life threating or not.
  • If you feel the emergency is life threating call 911 immediately.
  • Secure the area and remove all nonessential personnel from the area.
  • Determine if the person can be moved without jeopardizing the persons life or causing further injury.
  • If the person can be moved, transport the person to the hospital. 
    • If you have called for emergency service, start driving toward the hospital and meet the ambulance in transit.
    • Make sure there is a minimum of 3 people traveling in the vehicle with the injured person, the driver and two attendants.  If the person goes into shock there must be additional personnel in the vehicle to attend to that person.
    • Try to stay in contact with the ambulance if at all possible, this will help to establish a meeting place and if the situation worsens they may be able to provide assistance.
  • If the person cannot be moved due to the possibility of causing further injury, make every attempt to stop any bleeding, stabilize any breaks, use blankets to keep the person warm and as comfortable as possible until Emergency Services arrive.
  • If CPR is required start CPR and continue until Emergency Services arrive.

Accident Reporting Procedure

Reporting accidents when they happen is extremely important. This speeds up the investigation and processing. 

  •  All incidents, accidents or injuries must be reported to your supervisor or the company safety manager, Kevin Mackaman, immediately, no matter how small.

All injuries must be reported on your time card by checking the injuries “yes” box, and write an explanation of the accident or injury on the back of your time card.

  • Seek first-aid treatment for any injury if required, regardless how small.
  • If you require medical treatment or diagnosis you must inform the company safety manager immediately. Failure to do so could delay or negate any workers compensation benefits you may be entitled to.
  • All accidents involving Riverside Contracting Inc. property must be reported immediately (example: hitting a deer, hitting another vehicle, any dent or dings). Report the incident to your Supervisor or call Kevin Mackaman at the Riverside Contracting (406-721-9267) main office with a detailed 
  • explanation.  Failure to report andyaccident may result in immediate termination. 
  • All incidents, accidents and injuries shall be investigated for prevention or recurrence. 

Section 16: Employee Safety/Incentive Bonus Program

All Riverside employees have the opportunity to qualify for the Incentive/Safety Bonus program.  When you have been employed with the company for a total of 4000 hours you will qualify for the program.  If you make the 4000 hour benchmark in the middle of the construction you will not qualify for the program until the next construction season.  The program is explained in greater detail in another document.

The following is an outline of the criteria that each employee must achieve to get paid the maximum benefit.  It also explains what will happen if you do not meet that criteria.

Safety/Incentive Bonus Program:

The program is split into two elements.  The first element is a Senior Incentive for longevity with the company, the second element is a Safety Incentive based on your safety performance for that year.  Each element equals fifty percent (50%) of the total incentive.

Training Requirements:

As a condition of employment, the company has developed and implemented web base training.  On the company web site there is an area that is dedicated to training.  This area has the employee handbook, training videos and other company documents.  It also contains a knowledge quiz related to the type of training you are accessing.

New employees shall be required to view the video that is associated with the job they were hired for prior to performing any work on the project.  This will be completed in the orientation training.  All supervisors will have a tablet or laptop for the newly hired employee to view the video(s) and presentation. The new employee will be required to access the website to view additional material and complete the quiz(s).  The new employee will have 45 days to access the website training module, review the required training and complete all of the quiz(s).  If the new employee does not complete the required training within the 45 days, the hours the employee accumulates for that year will not be applied to qualifying for the Annual Bonus Program and the qualification period will be extended by at least a year.

All returning/current employees will have 45 days upon returning to work from the previous year seasonal layoff to access the website training module and complete the required mandatory training.  If the employee does not complete the required training within the time allotted the employee will have a 10% reduction in the Annual Safety Bonus for every 30 days the training has not been completed.  If the employee does not to complete the mandatory training there will be a 100% reduction in the Annual Safety Bonus.

The training information will be updated on the website by February 15th of that construction year.  At the beginning of each season an email will be sent out prior to that to all returning employee with a Registration Code to access the quizzes in Classmarker.com (note: The Registration Code is only valid for that season). The employee can access the training module and complete the training at any time after that date.  All employees will be required to review the training material every new construction season as the material is updated and new material is added each year.

All training must be completed via the internet.  There will be no hard copies of the quizzes provided.

The requirements are as follows:

All employees must:

  • Read the entire employee handbook. This can be accomplished by reading it on the website using the electronic file or by reading the handbook given to you at orientation.
  • Watch all videos that apply to the Registration Code you are given.
  • Complete the quiz that pertains to the handbook, videos and presentation.
  • Review any updates to the employee handbook and Company Policies.

16.1 Safety Incentives

Rewarding an employee for put an extra effort in creating a safer workplace by going above and beyond the minimum safety requirements is just as important as taking disciplinary action when the employee performs an unsafe action or does not follow the minimum safety requirements. 

All employees:

Periodically throughout the construction season Riverside management will be visiting projects and rewarding employees for an outstanding safety act that the employee is witnessed performing.  This will be a monetary reward and be given to the employee on the spot. 

Truck Drivers:

When a truck driver receives a Vehicle Roadside Inspection from the Department of Transportation and no violations are found as result of the inspection, the driver will receive an incentive reward of $50.00 or $25.00. It must be a clean inspection.

In the normal course of operations a truck driver will, at some point, receive a Roadside Inspection that is conducted by the Department of Transportation of the state you are operating in.  When this occurs you will either get charged with out of compliance violations or have no violations related to the inspection. 

The Department of Transportation conducts several inspection levels.  The three most common inspections are as follows, but not limited to.

LEVEL I – North American Standard Inspection:  An inspection that includes examination of driver’s license, medical examiner’s certificate and waiver, if applicable, alcohol and drugs, driver’s record of duty status as required, hours of service, seat belt, vehicle inspection report, brake system, coupling devices, exhaust system, frame, fuel system, turn signals, brake lamps, tail lamps, head lamps, lamps on projecting loads, safe loading, steering mechanism, suspension, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheels and rims, windshield wipers, emergency exits on buses and HM requirements, as applicable.

LEVEL II – Walk Around Driver/Vehicle Inspection:  An examination that includes each of the items specified under the North American Standard Inspection. As a minimum, Level II inspections must include examination of: driver’s license, medical examinees certificate and waiver, if applicable, alcohol and drugs, driver’s record of duty status as required, hours of service, seat belt, vehicle inspection report, brake system, coupling devices, exhaust system, frame, fuel system, turn signals, brake lamps, tail lamps, head lamps, lamps on projecting loads, safe loading, steering mechanism, suspension, tires, van and open-top trailer bodies, wheels and rims, windshield wipers, emergency exits on buses, and HM requirements, as applicable. It is contemplated that the walk-around driver/vehicle inspection will include only those items which can be inspected without physically getting under the vehicle.

Level III – Driver Only Inspection:  A roadside examination of the driver’s license, medical certification and waiver, if applicable, driver’s record of duty status as required, hours of service, seat belt, vehicle inspection report, and HM requirements, as applicable.

If a truck driver receives a clean inspection with no violations they will receive a reward/incentive from the company.  These incentives are put in place to help bring our CSA scores down and to stay compliant with the Federal Regulations. This is also to reward the employee for a job well done.

The reward breakdown is as follows:

Level I – $50.00 Visa card

Level II – $50.00 Visa card

Level III – $25.00 Visa card

The inspection must have no violations to receive a reward.

16.2 Disciplinary Action and Violations

All Riverside Contracting Inc. employees are required to comply with the safety policies set herein as a condition of your employment.  When an employee is cited for a violation, the employee will be held accountable for his/her actions.  Non-compliance of these rules will result in a safety violation and/or up to termination.  When an employee is issued a safety violation a percentage will be deducted from the original safety incentive bonus.

16.2.1 Violations:

Non-DOT (laborers & operators):

A violation will be issued if an:

  • Employee(s) commits an unsafe act.
  • Employee(s) is involved in an accident that is caused by said employee(s) as determined by the investigation.
  • Employee(s) is witness to an unsafe act that results in an accident and took no action to stop it.
  • When an employee commits one of the above offenses it will be considered to be violation that requires disciplinary action.  

DOT (truck drivers):

A violation will be issued if an:   

  • Employee(s) commits an unsafe act.
  • Employee(s) is involved in an accident that is caused by said employee as determined by the investigation.
  • Employee(s) is witness to an unsafe act that results in an accident and took no action to stop it.
  • Employee(s) receives violation(s) as a result of a Roadside Inspection performed by the Department of Transportation.
  •  Out of Service (OOS) violations will result in an automatic violation issued to the employee.
  • Non-Out of Service (Non-OOS) violations will receive a Severity Weight (this will follow the table in the CSA system of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration).  The Severity Weight of all violations will accrue. When the sum is equal to 25 a violation will be issued.  The violation severity weight will reset when the threshold of 25 is reached.  Multiple violations could be issued in a given year.
  • When an employee commits one of the above offenses or 25 points is reached as a result of all roadside inspections this will be considered a violation that requires disciplinary action.  

16.2.2 Disciplinary Action:

  • Disciplinary action will be taken when an employee commits one of the above mentioned offenses in section 16.2.1.   A written warning will be given to the employee and will stay on file in your employee file.  Additional training may be required.
  • For every safety violation that is issued, the safety element of the incentive bonus will be reduced by 33%.
  • Multiple violations could result in termination of the employee.

Riverside Contracting recognizes the value in having long term dedicated employees that are very safety conscious.  The Safety/Incentive Bonus Program is designed to reward employees for sticking with the company, being a role model to the new employees, creating a safe workplace and conducting yourself in a safe manner.  Not only do we need to create a strong safety culture, we need to recognize and keep the equipment, trucks and trailers in safe working condition.  Safety touches every aspect of the operations of Riverside Contracting, from workplace safety to highway safety.  Every employee has a responsibility to conduct themselves in a safe manner, never walk past an unsafe action or condition without taking action and to look out for their fellow employees and the general public.   If we follow the rules of the company, take great pride in our work and recognize unsafe acts and conditions, we can create a “Zero Incident” environment.  If you do these simple things you will be rewarded for your efforts.  If you do not, your will be penalized.

Non-Qualified Employees

Employees that have not reached the 4000 hour threshold and have not qualified for the Safety/Incentive Bonus Program will be required to follow the same training elements and will be eligible for the instant safety incentives for outstanding safety practices and clean roadside inspections.

Non-Qualified employees will fall under the same disciplinary rules without a monetary value assessed.    

Non-Safety Related Violations

A violation that is give to an employee that is not safety related will be treated the same way as a safety related violation, a three violation format.  It will be at the discretion of the company as to the disciplinary action to be taken.  There may be no warning slip given for the infraction and the employee could be terminated on the first infraction.  For non-related safety violations there will be no monetary deduction from the yearly incentive.

The types of non-safety violations are as follows but not limited to

  • Sexual Harassment
  • Dishonesty
  • Personal Violence
  • Fighting on the Jobsite
  • Insubordination
  • Negligence
  • Use of Alcohol or Illegal Drugs
  • Positive Drug Test Result
  • Stealing
  • Destruction of Company Property
  • Tardiness
  • Violating Cell phone Policy
  • Violating Company Vehicle Policy

Employee Termination, Layoff or Voluntary Quitting:


If an employee voluntarily quits, is laid off or employment is terminated the following will apply. 

If employee is laid off or fired for cause: immediately. Employer may have a written policy extending this time to the next payday or within 15 days, whichever is earlier.
If employee quits: next payday or within 15 days, whichever is earlier. (Mont. Code Ann. § 39-3-205.)

Section 17 Conclusion

It is our belief that all accidents and injuries can be prevented if everyone becomes involved in creating a safety culture, becomes proactive in recognizing and preventing workplace accidents and accepts their safety responsibility.  This includes all hourly employees, supervisory employees and management.

We can all make a difference in the prevention of accidents. Every person is in full control over his/her actions. We do have the ability to create and work in an injury free workplace. 

If you have any suggestions or additional information is needed, contact your supervisor or Safety Manager, Kevin Mackaman and they will assist you.

Click Here to go to eloomi login page and begin training!

You must receive an account activation email before you can login for the first time. Call the office at (406) 256-0555 EXT 106.